Alone - Überleben in der Wildnis

SERIE • 11 Staffeln • Reality-TV, Dokumentation • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2015


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Wer streamt "Alone - Überleben in der Wildnis"

Hardcore Überlebenskünstler landen in der Wildnis von Vancouver Island, ohne Kamerateams oder Produzenten – mit einer einzigen Mission, so lange wie möglich zu überleben.

Wo läuft "Alone - Überleben in der Wildnis"?

"Alone - Überleben in der Wildnis" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, Netflix, Microsoft Store.

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


1. Staffel 1 (12 Episoden)
Und so beginnt es
Zehn Männer müssen sich in der Wildnis behaupten, ihr Überleben mit dem sicherstellen, was ihnen die Natur zu bieten hat. Bei diesem Experiment heißt es möglichst lange auszuahlten, am Ende winkt ein Preis von 500.000 Dollar. Die Kandidaten nehmen es so mit wilden Tieren auf, gehen auf die Jagd und errichten sich selbst ein Nachtlager. Startpunkt ist Vancouver Island in Kanada.
Von Wolf und Mensch
Es ist wohl eines der härtesten Survival-Experimente, die jemals im TV ausgestrahlt wurden. Zehn Männer nehmen jeder für sich den Kampf mit der Wildnis auf. Ausgesetzt fernab jeglicher Zivilisation müssen sie nur mit dem, was sie in der Natur vorfinden, überleben. Das Ziel: so lange durchzuhalten, wie nur irgendwie möglich. Die Kandidaten müssen jagen, Unterkünfte bauen und sich gegen Wildtiere wehren. Sie dokumentieren das Abenteuer ihres Lebens selbst. Es gibt keine Kameracrew, keine Produzenten. Wer am längsten der Isolation und dem psychischen Stress standhält, gewinnt 500.000 US-Dollar.
Die Krallen der Angst
Schon nach kurzer Zeit in der Wildnis stellen die Männer fest, dass die extreme Isolation ihren Tribut fordert. Ein Überlebenskünstler unternimmt ein riesiges Hüttenprojekt, ein Mann verliert sein wichtigstes Werkzeug und ein anderer wird von einem großen Raubtier angegriffen und muss um sein Leben kämpfen.
Im Laufe der Tage zeigen die verbleibenden Überlebenskünstler Anzeichen von Rissen. Ein Mann kämpft mit der Isolation, während ein anderer zusammenbricht, nachdem er den vierten Geburtstag seiner Tochter verpasst hat. Doch es sind die wahren Gefahren der Umgebung, die für einen Teilnehmer das Ende bedeuten könnten, wenn er von einem Puma verfolgt wird.
Winde der Hölle
Ein verheerender Sturm erschüttert die verbliebenen Männer und orkanartige Winde fegen durch ihre provisorischen Lager. Ein Überlebenskünstler treibt seine Fähigkeiten als Buschmann auf die Probe und versucht, einen Weg zu finden, auf dem turbulenten Meer in See zu stechen.
Regen des Terrors
Die verbleibenden Teilnehmer gewöhnen sich endlich an die unbarmherzige Umgebung, aber die Suche nach Nahrung führt sie in Gefahr. Ein Mann ist gezwungen, sein neues Boot kilometerweit vom Lager entfernt aufzugeben, während der heftige Regen alle Männer dazu zwingt, ihre Fähigkeit, in der Wildnis zu bleiben, in Frage zu stellen.
Der Hunger
Bei den eiskalten Temperaturen steht die Nahrungssuche für die verbliebenen Überlebenskünstler im Mittelpunkt. Während einige einen erfreulichen Erfolg haben; andere stehen vor völligem Scheitern und Hindernissen, die sie emotional niederschlagen und einen Mann an den Rand drängen.
Nach der Rettung
Die ersten sechs Männer, die nach Hause gehen, erläutern ihre Gründe für die Abreise und erhalten eine exklusive Vorschau auf das, was auf die verbleibenden Teilnehmer zukommt.
Das Einfrieren
Die Temperaturen auf der Insel sinken und die verbleibenden Teilnehmer müssen sich dem Einbruch des Winters stellen. Ein Mann riskiert alles mit einem riskanten Schritt, während alle mit den anhaltenden Auswirkungen der Isolation und der eisigen Temperaturen zu kämpfen haben.
Die extreme Isolation fordert ihren Tribut von den verbleibenden Teilnehmern in freier Wildbahn. Der Kampf eines jeden Mannes dreht sich sowohl um den Verstand als auch um die Elemente.
Zwei Männer bleiben auf Vancouver Island, während der Sturm des Jahres hereinbricht. Die unerbittlichen Elemente Isolation und Hunger stellen die beiden verbliebenen Teilnehmer vor eine Herausforderung und zwingen einen, nach Hause zu gehen.
Episode 12
2. Staffel 2 (14 Episoden)
Episode 1
The first day of the adventure begins, with 10 people prepared to head out into unknown wilderness and survive for as long as they can, in total isolation. But when the survivalists confront rocky terrain, wet environments, and hungry predators, all of them begin to question their resolve.
Episode 2
After several days, the participants attempt to acclimate to their new environment and make order out of chaos. One survivalist proves incredibly skillful and finds enormous success scavenging and hunting for food. Meanwhile, doubts emerge for others as debilitating hunger sets in.
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Emotions run high for the remaining participants as they struggle to adapt; one participant wrestles with the solitude, while the other risks it all, taking a perilous journey into the unknown.
Episode 7
Three weeks in, mental and physical struggles take their toll on the remaining participants. While the brutal reality of their situation consumes some, others battle deep conflicts that have them teetering on the edge of calling it quits.
Episode 8
One participant races to find the salmon run before it ends, while another undertakes an epic journey; one of the survivalists tries to combat nature's fury head on.
Episode 9
Vor einem Monat wurden die Bushcraft-Experten an verschiedenen Orten in der lebensfeindlichen kanadischen Wildnis ausgesetzt. Dort trotzen sie komplett auf sich allein gestellt den Naturgewalten. Dabei ist nicht nur körperliche Robustheit gefragt, sondern auch mentale Stärke. Der Kopf spielt beim Überlebenskampf eine Schlüsselrolle. Selbstzweifel sind bei der Survival-Challenge nicht hilfreich, stattdessen müssen sich die verbliebenen Kandidaten jeden Tag neu motivieren.
Episode 10
The final four contend with mental fatigue and physical exhaustion. As one participant faces stiff competition for fish, another may miss the salmon run due to a potentially disastrous miscalculation.
Winters Fury
Der Winter kommt. Das macht den Überlebenskampf in der kanadischen Wildnis noch anstrengender, als er es bisher schon war. Jetzt haben die verbliebenen Männer und Frauen auf Vancouver Island in totaler Abgeschiedenheit obendrein mit eisigen Temperaturen zu kämpfen. Und sie müssen in der Provinz British Columbia Risiken eingehen, um ihren Hunger zu stillen. Denn die Nahrungsquellen schwinden. Die Challenge wird nach kräftezehrenden Wochen abseits der Zivilisation immer mehr zur Tortur.
Into the Abyss
Der Gedanke an das Preisgeld in Höhe von einer halben Million Dollar hat bei vielen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern der Challenge lange Zeit Kräfte freigesetzt. Doch die Entbehrungen und die Isolation werden unerträglich. Angesichts der Strapazen stellen sich immer öfter Zweifel ein. Statt abseits der Zivilisation Hunger zu leiden und zu frieren, könnten die Survival-Profis jetzt auch daheim am warmen Kamin sitzen und ihre Angehörigen und Freunde umarmen. Die Versuchung aufzugeben ist groß.
Episode 13
In the final days of the competition, the remaining participants battle for supremacy. After pushing their minds and bodies to the breaking point, one claims the $500,000 prize.
Episode 14
3. Staffel 3 (11 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Winter arrives in full force, and the remaining survivors must deal with rapidly deteriorating conditions; the lack of protein pushes some to new levels of depletion; others find the pull to see family more than they can bear.
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
4. Staffel 4 (11 Episoden)
Episode 1
In a new twist, seven family member pairs are dropped miles apart on Northern Vancouver Island and must find each other. To win the $500,000 prize, they must survive the island's unforgiving terrain and deadly predators together.
Episode 2
As their teammates attempt to set up camp, the hikers find that Vancouver Island's terrain is even more punishing when on the move. The island beats one pair into submission, while another grapples with a devastating accident.
Episode 3
On Vancouver Island, a seriously injured participant weighs the risks of seeking medical help and sacrificing his shot at $500,000. Danger awaits all participants as predators continue to stalk the island’s newest inhabitants.
Episode 4
Desperation sinks in as the hikers struggle to make the final push to their teammates. Exhaustion leads one participant straight into the path of a predator, and into a dangerous confrontation.
Episode 5
Now that most teams are reunited, they dive into the difficult task of surviving together and feeding two people. Meanwhile, the final hiker faces a brutal mountain climb that could dash his hopes of ever making it to camp.
Episode 6
As Vancouver Island is pummeled by torrential rains, the remaining teams scramble to avoid freezing flood waters. One team attempts a massive construction project that could be their key to survival, while another must choose between betraying family and tapping out.
Episode 7
The three remaining teams scramble for a long term advantage. One pair runs themselves ragged with an elaborate shelter build, while another hazards the freezing Pacific waters on their own small craft.
Episode 8
After nearly a month on Vancouver Island, the three remaining teams face existential threats at every turn. One participant is forced to fight a raging fire, while rising tensions threaten to end another partnership.
Episode 9
As freezing temperatures punish Vancouver Island, the remaining pairs all face game-changing scenarios. One participant is hit with a crippling illness, while another's temper drives a wedge between him and his teammate.
Episode 10
As time presses on and temperatures drop, the final teams grapple with a strong desire to tap out; however, the $500,000 prize is hard to give up on, and the participants push themselves until one reaches the breaking point.
Episode 11
The Top 3 teams from Season 4 reunite to discuss their unique adventures and reveal never-before-seen moments.
5. Staffel 5 (11 Episoden)
Ten former competitors get a second chance at winning $500,000 and head to Northern Mongolia, where their survival skills are put to the ultimate test.
Ten survivalists from previous seasons return for a chance at redemption and a second chance to win the $500,000 prize; this time, survivalists face the dangers of Northern Mongolia, a location more wild and more remote than they've ever seen.
Folge 2
Participants explore new - and risky - food sources in Mongolia. As the survivalists begin to settle into their new remote surroundings, they realize they're not the only predators on the prowl.
The Serpent
The survivalists begin to face external and internal threats as they work to secure food and complete their shelters. One participant comes face-to-face with one of Mongolia's deadliest predators, while another fights to overcome a debilitating health issue.
Folge 4
Mongolia shows how devastating its climate can be as a monstrous storm assails the remaining survivalists. The participants are forced into their shelters and can only hope they’ll hold up to the fierce wind, rain and lightning.
Folge 5
The seven remaining survivalists are pushed to their limits as the weather worsens in Mongolia; one participant turns to tree bark for sustenance, another questions his ability to kill for food, and one faces a predator lurking in the darkness.
Of Mice and Men
After a month in desolate Mongolia, some survivalists struggle to maintain the mental stamina needed to land the big prize.
Folge 7
Some of the survivalists enjoy a bonanza of food, and others are driven to desperate measures to sustain themselves. A hunter braves dangerous heights to stalk his prey, and another turns to one of Mongolia’s most revolting food sources.
Slayer II
The survivalists must catch any game that comes their way, no matter the size, since winter draws near and food becomes scarce. However, the lack of food isn’t the only challenge, as the lack of companionship drives one participant to face his biggest fear.
Starvation's Shadow
As food sources disappear, hunger drives the remaining participants to a new low; one attempts a risky climb into wolf territory in search of food and another contends with a potentially game-ending health issue.
Cold War
The harsh Mongolian winter arrives, pushing the remaining survivalists to the very brink. Who will take home the $500,000?
Episode 11
Following their trials and tribulations in Northern Mongolia, the contestants reconvene to discuss the highs and lows of the survival challenge.
6. Staffel 6 (11 Episoden)
With zero human contact and limited means, hardcore survivalists embark on an intense mission to stay alive in the Arctic.
Ten new survivalists have a chance to win $500,000 by enduring the coldest location the series has visited: the Arctic; participants grapple with a harsh storm out of the gate.
As they close in on the one week mark, the survivalists make some risky choices in order to eat; serious infection becomes a very real possibility, driving one participant to consider pulling out early.
Up in Flames
The remaining survivalists start seeing their hard work pay off as they procure food, but as the days mount and the isolation continues, contestants start to notice the physical and mental toll of surviving arctic.
Der Elch
The survivalists get serious about hunting before the wildlife starts to disappear for the winter; One participant has a chance to make history by taking down big game, while another is set back by a nasty puncture wound.
Die Beute
While most of the participants pursue smaller, more consistent food sources, one survivalist finally has the chance to take down big game; he soon finds himself attracting unwanted attention from predators.
As they approach the one month mark, the participants' survival is threatened by new factors. One contestant is forced to defend themselves from a huge predator. Another risks losing their shelter in a horrible accident. And another struggles with the most challenging element of them all: being totally alone.
As winter closes in, the participants are threatened by predators looking to steal their precious food stores. As the survivalists rethink their strategies, one makes a stand by confronting the Arctic's most ferocious creature.
Out Cold
The remaining survivalists begin feeling the effects of starvation. One participant fights to stay in the competition as her body starts to give out, while another, who has an abundance of food, shockingly continues to lose weight.
The Ice Cometh
As the weather gets colder and even less forgiving, the participants struggle to obtain basic resources. One participant continues to lose weight at a rapid and deadly pace, while another continues to be harassed by ruthless predators. Another contestant wakes one morning to a grave discovery and realizes that the Arctic winter has only just begun.
Thin Ice
As temperatures drop to the lowest point yet, the lake freezes, cutting off resources and threatening the safety of the survivalists. Each participant's grit and resourcefulness is tested by the unrelenting cold, causing one survivalist to hit their breaking point much sooner than expected.
Fire and Ice
Only three participants remain. As they face extreme weight loss, frigid temperatures and encroaching predators, who will claim victory in the Arctic?
7. Staffel 7 (12 Episoden)
Den 10 neuen Teilnehmer*innen steht eine eiskalte und gefährliche Herausforderung in der Arktis bevor. Um die 100 Tage zu überstehen, muss schleunigst ein Strategiewechsel her.
Million Dollar Mistake
Ten new participants last 100 days in the Arctic to win $1 million, and they must overcome the first hurdle,which includes facing a variety of predators.
The Rock House
In order to endure the Arctic for 100 days, the participants start building shelters that can make it for the long haul, turning their attention to procuring food and inadvertently drawing the attention of dangerous predators.
That Was No Bunny
As they enter the second week of the competition, the participants focus on securing a food source that can last them 100 days. Many focus on fishing, another puts himself in a dangerous position to keep his food safe -- with disastrous consequences.
The Fly
Participants begin successfully procuring food but still find themselves vulnerable to the Arctic's many dangers. A sudden illness attacks one participant, while another is tormented by a tiny invader.
The Rock
Faced with choppy waters and brazen predators, the participants must shift strategies or starve. One sets his sights on big game.
The Musk Ox
After some of the participants are raided by predators, they scramble to protect their hard-won food. Winter moves in, bringing with it new opportunities for those who are prepared, and new threats for those who aren't.
Local predators continue harassing the participants and they must adapt and innovate if they hope to survive. One is forced to make a hard decision when an unexpected catch turns up.
Up in Smoke
One survivalist rushes to prevent their shot at a million dollars from going up in smoke. Another struggles to complete their shelter in time for winter, while another must defend their territory from an unwelcome visitor.
Die Wölfe
Icy rocks and unpredictable waters force the remaining participants to decide if their desperate need for fat is worth taking dangerous risks. One participant is faced with a deadly predator threat and braces to fight for his life.
Stacheln und Nadeln
As the participants march deeper into winter, it becomes increasingly difficult to procure food. One participant gets a lucky break, but soon discovers things aren't what they seem. Another attempts to do battle with his own mental demons while another's time in the Arctic comes to an explosive finish.
Am Rande, Teil 1
With only three survivalists left, the million-dollar challenge comes to an end. The participants face off against below zero temperatures, injury and their own mental demons as they fight to make it to day 100 and win the million-dollar prize.
Episode 12
Nur noch zwei Survival-Profis sind übrig. Beide gehen bis an ihre Grenzen und versuchen alles, um sich den Sieg zu holen. Wer wird die Million bekommen?
8. Staffel 8 (11 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
9. Staffel 9 (11 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
10. Staffel 10 (11 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11