
SERIE • 3 Staffeln • Abenteuer, Fantasy, Action, Komödie, Science-Fiction, Krimi • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1966


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Wer streamt "Batman"

Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.

Wo läuft "Batman"?

"Batman" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, Amazon Video.

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Adam West, Burt Ward, Yvonne Craig, Neil Hamilton, Stafford Repp, Alan Napier, William Dozier, Madge Blake, Van Williams, Bruce Lee, Roger C. Carmel, Diane McBain


1. Staffel 1 (34 Episoden)
Rätselhafter Rätselkönig - Teil 1
Im Serienauftakt stellt der Riddler den dynamischen Duo eine diabolische Falle. Er will sie wegen widerrechtlicher Verhaftung vor Gericht bringen und dort demaskierenlassen, um so ihre wahre Identität öffentlich zu machen.
Rätselhafter Rätselkönig - Teil 2
Batman wird von Molly ausgeschaltet und Robin vom Riddler gekidnappt - es gibt also nichts zu lachen, als Riddler ungehindert unschätzbar kostbare Briefmarken rauben kann, um seine Flucht vorzubereiten.
Gefiederte Lumpen - Teil 1
Der Pinguin wird aus dem Gefängnis entlassen, und seine üblen Spitzel haben nichts Eiligeres zu tun, als Chaos zu stiften und unsere maskierten Streiter für Recht und Ordnung mit einem Trick zu verleiten, als Komplizenam bösen Coup mitzuwirken.
Gefiederte Lumpen - Teil 2
Batman schien dem sicheren Tod in den Flammen nicht entkommen zu können, weil der Pinguin mit seinen Stummelflügeln flatterte. Dennoch überlebte er, und er weiß das Lösegeld als Köder zu nutzen. Doch werden der Pinguin und seine Spatzenhirne dadurch aufs Glatteis geführt?
Die Demaskierung - Teil 1
Gerade scheint Gotham sicher zu sein, da erscheint der Joker - der clownneske Fürst des Verbrechens, der einen eigenen teuflischen Allzweckgürtel umschnallt, damit Batman und Robin endlich verduften.
Die Demaskierung - Teil 2
Der Joker macht keine Witze, als er die Schiffstaufe der S.S. Gotham im Chaos versinken lassen will. Unser dynamisches Duo tut so, als ob es nichts merkt, um ihn zu überführen.
Batman auf Eis - Teil 1
Die Schikanen werden frostig, als Mr. Freeze sein Auge auf kalte Klunker wirft - Diamanten nämlich! Mit seiner Eiskanone verwandelt er Batman und Robin in lebende Eiszapfen, um seiner eigenen Verhaftung zu entgehen.
Batman auf Eis - Teil 2
Glücklicherweise wird unser dynamisches Duo im Gotham Hospital wieder aufgetaut, doch die Eiszeit ist noch nicht vorüber, denn Mr. Freeze entführt einen berühmten Baseballspieler. Jetzt kommt es darauf an, einen kühlen Kopf zu behalten - und warme Unterhosen anzuziehen, damit Mr. Freeze so zum Schmelzen gebracht werden kann, dass er endlich aufgibt.
Zelda die Große - Teil 1
Die große Zelda beweist ihre Genialität als Entfesselungskünstlerin, als sie bei einen Raubüberfall alle in den April schickt - und dabei Tante Harriet entführt. Heiliges Kanonenrohr! Batman und Robin müssen sie innerhalb einer Stunde davor bewahren, in kochendem Öl frittiert zu werden.
Zelda die Große - Teil 2
Während Tante Harriet durch das Lösegeld freikommt und sicher zurückkehrt, überlegt es sich Zelda anders. Die Wahrheit über Fledermäuse sorgt dafür, dass Batman und Robin ihrem Schicksal nicht entkommen können.
Riddlers Ratten rauben Boris - Teil 1
Riddler kehrt zurück und plant seine Rache. Seine Rätsel werden immer rätselhafter, als der König Boris zu einem Staatsbesuch erscheint - und urplötzlich verschwindet. Das dynamische Duo nimmt die Verfolgung auf, doch das ist ein Knochenbrecher-Job, denn alsbald werden die beiden zusammengeklebt und gefesselt.
Riddlers Ratten rauben Boris - Teil 2
Nicht so schnell, Riddler! Unsere Helden sind noch nicht geschlagen. Batman und Robin entkommen dem Antriebswellen-Debakel und versuchen, die Rivalen mit ihrem eigenen Rätsel-Waffen zu schlagen.
Episode 13
Mad Hatter will Batman demaskieren und die Schöffen kidnappen, die ihn verurteilt haben. Als der Hutsammler seine hypnotische Kopfbedeckung lüftet, riecht Batman Lunte, und bei dem folgenden Gerangel gehen eine Menge Statuen zu Bruch - bis Batman selbst eingegipst wird.
Episode 14
Als Batman sich aus dem Gips befreit hat, muss er gegen die Maschinen des wahnsinnigen Hatter antreten. Beim Showdown in der Hutfabrik tappt Batman in eine clevere Falle - jetzt muss Robin ihn herauspauken.
Verteufelte Automaten - Teil 1
Der Joker kehrt zurück und entwickelt einen heimtückischen Plan, mit dem er Schüler zur Bequemlichkeit verführen will. Schon nehmen Batman und Robin seine Verfolgung auf, geraten aber durch mit 50.000 Volt aufgeladene Automaten in höchste Gefahr.
Verteufelte Automaten - Teil 2
Während eines Stromausfalls gelingt es Batman und Robin, den Plan des Jokers und seiner Bande zu vereiteln. Aber ein leichter Kampf wird das nicht, denn die beiden bekommen es mit weiteren präparierten Maschinen und einem vergifteten Parfüm zu tun.
Das falsche Gesicht - Teil 1
False Face ist ein wahrer Teufel und seine abgefeimten Pläne scheinen zu funktionieren, denn er kann die Mergenberd-Krone stehlen. Damit stellt er Batman und Robin eine Falle, die sofort zuschnappt, und schon donnert ein Eisenbahnzug auf die Gleise gefesselter Helden zu!
Das falsche Gesicht - Teil 2
Batman und Robin stellen die Weichen neu, um False Face endlich dingfest zu machen. Er will jetzt echte Geldscheine durch Falschgeld ersetzen. Mit einer Reihe falscher Fassaden und trickreicher Verkleidungen führt er unsere Helden immer wieder in die Irre!
Die Katze lässt das Mausen nicht - Teil 1
Die kriminelle Katze Catwoman schlägt ihre Klauen in zwei goldene Katzenfiguren aus einem Museum in Gotham, doch unsere Helden verfolgen sie unermüglich - bis die Katzenfalle zuschnappt und das dynamische Duo einem wilden Tiger gegenübersteht!
Die Katze lässt das Mausen nicht - Teil 2
Unsere Helden werden von hungrigen Löwen und Tigern fast verschlungen, als sie Catwoman verfolgen, die es auf den Schatz des Kapitän Manx abgesehen hat!
Alle Macht dem Pinguin - Teil 1
Was soll das heißen? Der Pinguin gibt sein verbrecherisches Leben auf, um sich seiner "Schutzagentur" zu widmen? Das stinkt doch zum Himmel! Offenbar will er dem dynamischen Duo endgültig den Garaus machen. Heiliges Bullauge!
Alle Macht dem Pinguin - Teil 2
Die Sohlen der Bat-Stiefel und der Haken des Bat-Messers bewähren sich, als Batman und Robin versuchen, den schlimmen Verdacht gegen sie zu entkräften... indem sie verrückt spielen! Jedenfalls geht die Jagt weiter und der böse Frackträger dürfte bald ausgewatschelt haben!
Der Ring aus Wachs - Teil 1
Riddler taucht wieder auf und verwirrt die Behörden, weil er dem verschollenen Schatz der Inkas auf der Spur ist. Das dynamische Duo nimmt die Verfolgung auf, wird überrumpelt, unter Drogen gesetzt und baumelt schließlich über kochendem Wachs!
Der Ring aus Wachs - Teil 2
Bevor Batman und Robin zu Wachskerzen verarbeitet werden, können sie sich befreien - die Nachricht von ihrem Ableben hat sich zu früh verbreitet. Jetzt gilt es, den Museumsraub des Riddlers zu verhindern, und zwischen mittelalterlichen Folterwerkzeugen kommt es zum Showdown mit dessen mieser Meute.
Der Maharadscha von Nimpah - Teil 1
Der Joker kann den aus purem Gold bestehenden Golfschlägern des Maharadscha nicht widerstehen, und im aufkommenden Chaos müssen unsere Helden auch seine Hoheit retten. Was wird mit dem dynamischen Duo passieren, das - festgezurrt in einem Schornstein - tödlichem Gas ausgesetzt ist?
Der Maharadscha von Nimpah - Teil 2
Um schwierige diplomatische Verwicklungen und Lösegeldforderungen zu vermeiden, trifft sich Batman mit dem Maharadscha in der Bank. Er stürzt sich auf seine Hoheit und entdeckt, dass alles nur eine Maskerade ist!
Der verrückte Pharao - Teil 1
Ein ehemaliger Yale-Gelehrter hält sich für den großen König Tut und behauptet, Gotham sei sein Reich. Um seinen Anspruch zu bekräftigen, stellt er im Park eine Sphinx auf. Bruce Wayne will Tut eine Falle stellen, doch bevor er auch nur "Mumie" sagen kann, tappt er selbst hinein!
Der verrückte Pharao - Teil 2
Tut wendet jetzt die uralte thebanische Kieselfolter am entführten Batman an, um einen willenlosen Sklaven aus ihm zu machen. Robin muss ihm zu Hilfe eilen, und bald geht es dem Folterknecht Tut an den Kragen.
Die Bücherwurm-Affäre - Teil 1
Der Bücherwurm ist ein Schurke, der Bände spricht. Mithilfe von falschen Fährten lockt er das dynamische Duo in eine explosive Falle. Robin wird auf den Klöppel der Glocke Big Benjamin geschnallt - und das Läuten beginnt in einer Minute!
Die Bücherwurm-Affäre - Teil 2
Der teuflische Bücherwurm plant einen gigantischen Kochbuch-Coup - ein wahres Katastrophen-Rezept. Während unsere Helden gedünstet werden, schnappt sich der Bücherwurm das Batmobil, um sich die Schätze der Morganbilt-Biblothek unter den Nagel zu reißen!
Das Stummfilmfestival - Teil 1
Der Riddler inszeniert sein Chaos nach Stummfilmart, als er die Kinokasseneinnahmen und Lohngelder stiehlt, indem er seine Coups als Filmdreharbeiten tarnt. Im Chaos werden unsere Helden getrennt, und Robin landet auf einer Kreissäge. Heiliger Kienspan!
Das Stummfilmfestival - Teil 2
Batman wird von rätselhaften Hinweisen verwirrt, als er Robin zu Hilfe kommen will. Doch dann entdeckt er, welches Schicksal Robin erleiden soll: den Sturz von einem Wolkenkratzer - wie in einem Stummfilm von Harold Llyod. Durch Riddlers maßlose Habgier wird er Hauptdarsteller in "Up the River"!
Der Pinguin schlägt zu - Teil 1
Alfred wird Opfer von Pinguins Gehirnwäsche und verrät Geheimnisse über Bruce Waynes Benefiz-Bankett für Multimillionäre. Unser dynamisches Duo tappt in die Falle und bekommt akute Atemnot.
Der Pinguin schlägt zu - Teil 2
Das dynamische Duo wird für tot gehalten - aber so schnell geht den beiden die Luft nicht aus. Der Pinguin will sich gerade mit den Spendengeldern des Jahresbanketts davonmachen, als er merkt, dass er jemandem ins Netz gegangen ist!
2. Staffel 2 (60 Episoden)
Batman contra Robin Hood - Teil 1
Der Archer räumt mit seinen lustigen bösen Buben die Wayne-Villa aus, macht aber den Gesetzeshütern eine lange Nase und spielt sich vor der armen Bevölkerung in Gotham als Held auf. Dann stellt er Batman und Robin eine Falle, um herauszubekommen, wo sich die Bat-Höhle befindet!
Batman contra Robin Hood - Teil 2
Unsere Helden sind voll im Einsatz, doch der Archer lässt seine Pfeile um die Ecke sausen, als er sich die zehn Millionen Dollar schnappt, die Bruce Wayne für wohltätige Zwecke spenden will. Ist jetzt alles verloren? Zum Glück hat das dynamische Duo eine Idee - und das Bat-Boot.
Frisch vom Grill - Teil 1
Catwoman makes her return known with a string of robberies. Hoping to lure her into a trap, Batman plants a news blurb giving the whereabouts of a rare canary, but Catwoman is tipped off and arrives prepared. Batman and Robin follow a lead to Catwoman's hideout, the Pink Sandbox, but soon discover that this villain has been waiting for them.
Frisch vom Grill - Teil 2
Catwoman disguises herself as a wealthy recluse - Minerva Matthews - to exchange a quarter million dollars for two Stradivarius violins. Once the instruments are safely in her hands, the villain reveals her true identity and demands the cash back. But Catwoman is surprised to learn that her business partner - Zubin Zucchini - is also not who he appears to be.
Minnesänger - Börsensprenger - Teil 1
The Minstrel, a villain with both musical talent and electronic ingenuity, is wrecking havoc with the Gotham City Exchange in an attempt to blackmail the exchange members. When he soon realizes Batman and Robin are equally skilled with electronics, he deems them a threat to his plan and sets a trap for their demise.
Minnesänger - Börsensprenger - Teil 2
Failing to destroy Batman and Robin, the Minstrel enacts "Plan High C." He shakes the building of the Gotham City Exchange, and promises to send it crumbling down if his demands are not met in one hour. Batman assumes cutting off the building's power will thwart the villain, but when that plan fails, it's up to the Dynamic Duo to track down the Minstrel before it's too late.
Tut ruft - Batman rennt - Teil 1
King Tut has relapsed into his kingly ways, this time showing a marked interest in scarab beetles and apothecary potions. Robin infiltrates their hideout to discover their true intentions, relaying what he hears to Batman, but their plan is put in jeopardy when Robin's presence is detected.
Tut ruft - Batman rennt - Teil 2
Using resurrected scarab beetles, King Tut concocts an ancient mind control potion, abu raubu simbu tu. Chief O'Hara is the first under his spell, followed shortly by Commissioner Gordon, and when Batman himself is tricked into taking the drug, Tut's plan to control all of Gotham City by tainting the water supply seems close to succeeding.
Die beste Mutter von allen - Teil 1
Ma Parker and her delinquent children are pulling off a crime wave in Gotham City. Batman and Robin round up the gang one by one, but when the arrests seem all too easy, the Dynamic Duo suspect something else more sinister may be up.
Die beste Mutter von allen - Teil 2
Now in charge of the Gotham State Pen, Ma Parker and her jailhouse full of criminal cohorts use it as their base of operations. No one suspects jailed prisoners of the crimes, but a clue picked up by Batman and Robin may lead them right to Ma's whereabouts.
Fünf vor zwölf - Teil 1
After a robbery aided by a rigged timepiece, Batman and Robin deduce the Clock King must be in Gotham City. Disguised as a pop art expert, the villain brings his latest masterpiece to the Parkhurst Gallery. But everyone is surprised when the sculpture turns out to be more than just a piece of art, and the Clock King makes off with a valuable time-related painting. Batman and Robin follow a clue to the villain's hideout, unaware that a trap awaits them.
Fünf vor zwölf - Teil 2
Aunt Harriet purchases a clock as a birthday present for Bruce Wayne, unaware that it is a plant by the Clock King. But when the villain learns that a control switch meant for his final caper has been errantly placed on the timepiece, he breaks into Wayne Manor to retrieve it, nabbing some valuable watches in the meantime. Batman and Robin shortly deduce his master plan and race to stop him.
Ein dickes Ei für Gotham City - Teil 1
Egghead steals the Gotham City charter. He finds a loophole that could give him control of Gotham City if descendants of the original founding families (including Bruce Wayne) do not pay nine raccoon pelts to Chief Screaming Chicken on time. Not only is he interested in stopping the payment, but Egghead believes he also has a lead on Batman's true identity.
Ein dickes Ei für Gotham City - Teil 2
When the lease payment for Gotham City fails to be made on time, possession of the city falls into the hands of Egghead. Chaos ensues as the villain fires Commissioner Gordon and bans the Dynamic Duo from city limits. While the criminal underworld enjoys free reign, Batman and Robin search the city charter's fine print for a solution.
Tödliches Fingerspiel - Teil 1
Chandell, the musical virtuoso, visits Gotham City for a piano concert. But unknown to the public, Chandell is being blackmailed into a life of crime by his twin brother Harry, who retains most of the profits. Chandell intends to buy off Harry forever, and he knows just where to get the funds - from the Wayne family fortune. With Batman and Robin out of town, he suspects the robbery will be a piece of cake. However, Batman has been listening to Chandell's concert remotely, and after detecting an anomalous chord, summons Robin back to Wayne Manor to investigate.
Tödliches Fingerspiel - Teil 2
Batman and Robin escape Chandell's trap. Once back in the Batcave, they deduce his plan to get the Wayne family fortune by killing Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, then marrying the rightful heir, Aunt Harriet. In order to trap the villain, Bruce and Dick fake their own deaths. However, Harry has also figured out his brother Chandell's scheme, and desiring the Wayne fortune for himself, concocts a plan to masquerade as his twin brother.
Wahltag - Teil 1
The Penguin appears to have gone straight. (Evidently the citizens of Gotham City have short memories; he tried the same trick in season one.) Not only that, he has emerged as the leading contender for mayor of Gotham City, thanks to a little-known provision of the city charter that permits felons to run for elective office. Mayor Linseed, facing almost certain defeat, convinces Batman to run for mayor. This displeases the Penguin, who doesn't want to leave anything to chance. He lures Batman and Robin into a trap and, by episode's end, things don't look good for the Dynamic Duo.
Wahltag - Teil 2
After escaping the Penguin's death trap, Batman still faces an uphill run to defeat the Penguin in the race for mayor of Gotham City. The Feathered Fiend uses every dirty trick he can think of to ruin Batman's reputation. But the Penguin discovers opinion polls aren't what they are cracked up to be. Still, Batman and Robin will need to subdue the villain before his plot can be put down once and for all.
Grünes Eis - Teil 1
Mr. Freeze is in town, and has begun a new cold wave of terror. He launches "Operation Hate Batman," framing the Caped Crusader as taking a bribe and dressing his own henchmen as Batman and Robin. As the negative press mounts, Mr. Freeze works on his plan to turn the Dynamic Duo into human Frosty Freezies.
Grünes Eis - Teil 2
The press continues to attack Batman and Robin, thanks to framing by Mr. Freeze. As public animosity mounts, the Dynamic Duo decide to hang up their capes for the time being. But when Mr. Freeze demands the impossible sum of one billion dollars, or else he will cover all of Gotham City with ice, the Caped Crusaders feel compelled to go back into action to foil the frosty villain.
Die Zeitmaschine - Teil 1
The Joker pulls off a string of key-related pranks throughout Gotham City, then with his magic box, proceeds to snatch a priceless jeweled key right under the noses of Batman and Robin. The Dynamic Duo wise up to his ways and thwart him at their next encounter. However, the Joker has more devious plans to do away with them both before his final caper.
Die Zeitmaschine - Teil 2
After a reworking, the Joker's magic box holds the power to alter time forward and backward. Batman and Robin learn of his plans to pollute the city water supply, and butler Alfred is sent to take over as security guard at the water works. Alfred nabs the box upon the villain's arrival, freezing him and his cronies in time, but unwittingly commits a dangerous error when he removes the box's key.
Batman vor dem Traualtar - Teil 1
Marsha, the Queen of Diamonds, is after the giant diamond that powers the Batcomputer. With her love darts, she puts both Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara under her spell (and into her custody). When the Dynamic Duo show up, they too are injected with her love potion, and Batman must agree to marry Marsha if he ever wants his friends to be returned.
Batman vor dem Traualtar - Teil 2
Hoping to obtain the Batcave's bat-diamond, Marsha searches for a new potion to use on the Caped Crusaders. Batman and Robin do some searching of their own and arrive at the criminal's hideout. But after Marsha douses them with her concoctions, the villainess seems to have a unique bargaining chip - two tiny caped toads - with which to gain Commissioner Gordon's help in locating the Batcave.
High Noon in Gotham City - Teil 1
Shame is back, and is using stolen vehicle parts to assemble a truck so fast even the Batmobile won't be able to catch him. Bruce Wayne tricks him into stealing his limo, which he (as Batman) and Robin use to track down his hideout. But the villain gains the upper hand in the ensuing fight, and the Dynamic Duo find themselves staked to the ground in the path of a cattle stampede.
High Noon in Gotham City - Teil 2
With his special truck finished, Shame goes to work on his final caper - the theft of four prize cattle worth over one million dollars. Batman and Robin deduce his plan, but realize they are too late to stop him and too slow to catch him. With little left to go on, the Dynamic Duo employ their "bat-logic" to try to figure out his next move.
Freiflug ins Gefängnis - Teil 1
Penguin has opened a fancy restaurant called The Penguin's Nest. There every order has to be written down by the customers on a piece of paper. He then plans to get himself arrested and hand over the handwritten notes to a forger doing time by the name of Ballpoint Baxter. Suspecting a scheme, Batman urges the police not to send The Penguin back to his permanent cell. Unable to reach Ballpoint, The Penguin and his culinary cohorts escape from jail, taking Chief O'Hara along as a hostage.
Freiflug ins Gefängnis - Teil 2
Attempting to save Chief O'Hara from drowning inside a metal trunk, Batman and Robin find themselves under fire from the Penguin's henchmen. Batman instructs Alfred to pose as famous forger Quill-Pen Quertch (complete with false fingerprints), but the Penguin recognizes Alfred as soon as he puts on his glasses. The evil Bird-man and his cronies then visit stately Wayne manor brandishing a giant Butler-pie.
Der Stimmendiebstahl - Teil 1
The Catwoman "steals" the voice of a television talk-show host in the middle of an interview with Bruce Wayne. She plants clues to suggest either the Joker, Riddler or Penguin may have committed the crime. In the meantime, she has fooled Commissioner Gordon into thinking she has gone straight. She makes her first mistake when she masquerades as Miss Klutz, a dance instructor visiting Wayne Manor. Allergic to dogwood, she sneezes and gives herself away. Her next target is to "steal" the voices of British singers Chad and Jeremy. Batman and Robin eventually track her to a dance studio, where a fight erupts. After it appears the Dynamic Duo has triumphed over Catwoman's forces, she drugs them. The heroes are placed inside a chamber where the sounds of water dripping will be magnified many, many times and drive them insane.
Der Stimmendiebstahl - Teil 2
Batman and Robin escape Catwoman's trap by hitting the precise note needed to shatter the glass chamber in which they're prisoners. They quickly get on the trail of Catwoman. The feminine feline criminal eventually "steals" the voices of Chad and Jeremy, Commissioner Gordon and talk-show host Allen Stephens. She blackmails the British government, which faces the lost of revenue from the taxes on Chad and Jeremy's performances. Batman and Robin eventually capture Catwoman and her gang, but not before Batman and Catwoman express obvious affection for each other.
Über den Wolken - Teil 1
The Puzzler, a villain with a fondness for both Shakespeare and aviation, indicates he is after the fortunes of Artemus Knab. He convinces the billionaire to invest in his puzzle balloon business, but when the Dynamic Duo find that Knab seems too intelligent to fall for a phony scheme, they look deeper for the criminal's true intentions. Their search leads them to Knab's airplane monopoly, but unknown to them, the Puzzler has plans to halt their investigation - permanently.
Über den Wolken - Teil 2
The Puzzler continues with his plan to hijack Artemus Knab's new airplane, the Retsoor, all the while leaving puzzles behind for Batman and Robin to ponder. He familiarizes himself with the jet's designs, then prepares to fly his prize to a foreign country where he will hold it for ransom. But the Dynamic Duo have an easier time with his clues than he expected, resulting in a climactic confrontation at the airplane hanger.
Das Sandmännchen ist da - Teil 1
Catwoman and the Sandman have teamed up, and they're after the fortunes of J. Pauline Spaghetti, a rich insomniac. Catwoman pulls a publicity stunt, getting the Sandman (under the guise of "Dr. Somnambula") an invitation to Spaghetti's penthouse - and her financial records. Batman and Robin investigate the situation, but soon find themselves trapped by the criminals.
Das Sandmännchen ist da - Teil 2
Though Batman escapes the Sandman's trap, Robin is left to wander in a deadly maze. A clue leads Batman to Catwoman's lair, where he informs her of Sandman's plans to elope with J. Pauline Spaghetti and keep her fortunes to himself. Enraged by the Sandman's trickery, Catwoman sets out after him. Batman, with the now-rescued Robin, also follows, and the group meet up at Spaghetti's old deserted pasta factory.
Vorsicht, Strahlung! - Teil 1
The Mad Hatter has escaped from prison, and is on a quest to add Batman's cowl to his collection of hats. He attends Gotham City's annual headdress ball disguised as the Three-tailed Pasha Of Panchagorum, and snatches a large ruby off of columnist Hattie Hatfield's headdress. The villain makes a getaway, but not before turning Batman's cowl pink with a radioactive spray. He trails Batman to the Atomic Energy Laboratory, knowing he will have a chance to snatch his cowl when it is removed for decontamination.
Vorsicht, Strahlung! - Teil 2
What appear to be the skeletons of Batman and Robin are found at Gotham City's Atomic Energy Laboratory, where the Mad Hatter left them to irradiate. Word of their demise spreads like wildfire. With the world busy mourning its loss, the Mad Hatter has no trouble snatching a valuable ruby from the Golden Buddha of Bergama's forehead. However, when rumor spreads that Batman and Robin are still alive, the Mad Hatter's scheme appears jeopardized.
Die Zodiak-Verbrechen - Teil 1
The Joker and the Penguin team up on a crime wave based on signs of the zodiac. The pair, aided and abetted by a woman known as Venus, keep Batman and Robin on the run. The Dynamic Duo manage to capture the Penguin but the Joker remains on the loose. Batman and Robin figure the Joker's next caper will take place at a museum and lay a trap. But the heroes are captured instead. Now, Batman and Robin face almost certain death; the heroes are to be crushed beneath a giant asteroid on display at the museum.
Die Zodiak-Verbrechen - Teil 2
Batman and Robin narrowly escape the Joker's death trap and quickly get back on the villain's trail. The villain runs the Gothham City Police Department ragged with his crimes based on the zodiac. Meanwhile, Venus, the Joker's accomplice, warms to Batman. Eventually, the Dynamic Duo again corner the Joker. But, once more, the heroes are captured. Now, Batman, Robin and Venus are chained in a shallow pool with a giant clam. The clam swallows Robin and Batman and Venus will be next on its menu.
Die Zodiak-Verbrechen - Teil 3
Batman, summoning all the strength he can muster, breaks his chains and frees Robin from the giant clam. The heroes arrange for the Joker's former confederate, Venus, to stay at an apartment while they figure out what to do next. Meanwhile, the Joker has freed the Penguin from Gotham State Prison to continue their crime wave. The Joker tricks Venus into asking Batman to take her to the Batcave. The Dynamic Duo take her to their base of operations (but only after making her fall asleep first). When they arrive, the Joker, Penguin and assorted thugs are revealed to be hiding in the Batmobile's trunk. Batman, however, anticipated this and none of the criminals know where the Batcave is. A figure erupts, with Batman and Robin finally ending the zodiac crimes.
In den Fängen der Katze - Teil 1
The Catwoman manages to drug Robin. The junior member of the Dynamic Duo is now the Catwoman's mindless slave. Batman is on the trail of the sultry villain, but he's hampered by the fact he can't harm his partner. Eventually, Batman is trapped by the Catwoman. He's in a giant trap and Robin is cutting the rope that will cause a giant mouse trap to snap on Batman. The Catwoman offers Batman a choice -- die by Robin's hand or agree to be subjected to the same drug.
In den Fängen der Katze - Teil 2
Batman agrees to let the Catwoman drug him. But he appears to have a headache and the Catwoman permits him to take an aspirin. After the drug is administered, Batman appears to assist Catwoman on her crime wave. However, the police receive anonymous telephone calls that enable them to pick up members of Catwoman's gang, including the drugged Robin. Meanwhile, the Gotham City police try to trace the hot line to the Batcave. Batman is there with Catwoman. He uses a device that foils the trace. Eventually, Batman reveals he hadn't taken an aspirin but his universal drug antidote that prevented the drug from working. Catwoman tries to flee on top of a warehouse near the Gotham River. Batman is in pursuit and corners her. But, unwilling to go straight, she falls into the river. Has she lost her life, or just one of her nine lives?
Batmans beste Rolle - Teil 1
As a front for his next crime wave, the Penguin forms a motion picture company. He teams up with Marsha, Queen of Diamonds, and gets Batman and Robin to take part in his movie. Marsha attempts to put Batman under her spell with drugged lipstick during the love scene, and filming at the Gotham City Museum of Antiquities turns out to be a good cover for the Penguin to snatch some ancient armor. Moreover, when the fight scene turns out to be all too real, the Dynamic Duo are captured and tied to a giant catapult about to be sprung.
Batmans beste Rolle - Teil 2
In order to keep a close eye on the Penguin (and hopefully locate the stolen chain mail armor), Batman and Robin rejoin Penguin's movie efforts. The next part of his film is to take place in medieval times. Therefore, Penguin has the Dynamic Duo dress in armor suits, but only to trap them with a giant magnet while he snatches top-secret papers from the Hexagon. Batman and Robin free themselves and follow the villain, but after a losing battle with him, the Penguin has them hauled off as scrap metal to be crushed.
Batmans beste Rolle - Teil 3
Batman and Robin get back on the Penguin and Marsha, Queen of Diamonds', trail. Several escaped lizards lead them to the villains' hideout, where they find the stolen chain mail suits. Remembering an earlier clue from the Penguin, they head to the federal subtreasury to find that the Penguin, Marsha, and their cronies have broken into a vault containing ten million dollars in gold bullion. The Dynamic Duo shut the vault door on the criminals and try to prepare for every breakout scenario, but the Penguin has a daring plan of escape that no one could have counted on.
Riddlers Geheimwaffe - Teil 1
During a party for Batman's crime-fighting anniversary, the Riddler appears and nabs a golden calf filled with money for charity. His next target is the Gotham City Bank, which he floods for an underwater robbery. Although Batman and Robin try to stop him, the villain makes a clean getaway, leaving only a final riddle that stumps the Caped Crusaders. They discover all too late that his next move is an attempt to destroy them, this time with deadly quicksand disguised as strawberry icing atop a giant cake.
Riddlers Geheimwaffe - Teil 2
After two more robberies, the Riddler has enough money to purchase Professor Charm's Demolecularizer. He demonstrates his weapon on a park statue, then issues an ultimatum - if all criminal statutes are not rescinded within two hours, he will begin dissolving every building in Gotham City. He rigs his device to automatically fire on police headquarters if his demands are not met. The city's only hope is Batman, who believes he has a plan to counteract the device.
Der Joker lacht zuletzt - Teil 1
Counterfeit money is being distributed by respectable citizens in Gotham City. Batman and Robin investigate, and find one of the Joker's lifelike robots substituting for a bank teller. They are certain who is behind the crime. But to get actual proof, Batman plans to visit the villain as Bruce Wayne and trick him into disclosing his operation. When his scheme suddenly backfires, it appears he will instead have to appoint the Joker as Vice Chairman of the Gotham National Bank.
Der Joker lacht zuletzt - Teil 2
The Joker is now Vice Chairman of the Gotham National Bank, due to an unsuccessful plan of Batman's. He installs his robots as tellers, and despite his criminal past, seems to be running things in perfect order. The Dynamic Duo realize they will have to trick him into making a mistake in order to remove him. They go to work on a plan to gain control of his robots. But that plan is jeopardized when, due to an odd turn of events, Batman's true identity Bruce Wayne is declared mentally ill and hauled off in a straight-jacket.
Die Katzenaugenopale - Teil 1
Catwoman is released from prison, and claiming she wants to enrich her education, enrolls at Gotham City University. She dresses one of her own henchmen as the Caped Crusader in order to frame him for a robbery. With Batman in jail, she goes ahead with her plan for a mass sit-in at Chimes Square. Catwoman is more than surprised when Batman himself shows up at the event. However, his efforts to expose the villainess are futile, and she prepares to terminate him and Robin in front of the whole crowd.
Die Katzenaugenopale - Teil 2
Catwoman goes ahead with her scheme to steal several Batagonian Cat's Eye opals, but she has trouble finding someone to fence them since such rare stones would be easily spotted. With little recourse left, she decides to turn them in for the reward money. It seems like the perfect job for her acquaintance, Freddy the Fence. But when he notices that the gems are fakes, Catwoman realizes she has been tricked by Batman and vows to get revenge on the Caped Crusader once and for all.
Die grüne Hornisse - Teil 1
The Green Hornet and Kato are in Gotham City to bust a counterfeiting stamp ring. Believed to be arch-criminals by nearly everyone, their midnight visit to Colonel Gumm at the Pink Chip Stamps Factory stirs alarm. Even Batman and Robin believe they are out for a piece of the action. Figuring the Green Hornet's goal must be the Gotham Gothic, a rare and valuable stamp, they trail him and Kato to the Pink Chip Stamps Factory. But when Colonel Gumm and his men make giant stamps out of the visiting crime fighters, it appears Batman and Robin will be doomed to the same fate.
Die grüne Hornisse - Teil 2
Colonel Gumm moves out of the Pink Chip Stamps Factory, taking its owner Pinky Pinkston along as a hostage. A message hidden by Miss Pinkston in a bowl of alphabet soup directs Batman and Robin to the International Stamp Exhibition. Though the Green Hornet and Kato will be attending to try to expose Colonel Gumm, Batman and Robin believe they are out for personal profit. The misunderstanding has the two sets of crime fighters fighting each other while the real criminal nearly makes off with the exhibition's rare and valuable stamps.
Großer König vom Nil - Teil 1
After a blow to the head, Yale's Egyptology professor once again believes he is King Tut. He mistakes Bruce Wayne's friend Lisa for Queen Cleopatra, and kidnaps her so he can bring her to Egypt as his bride. Batman and Robin soon locate Tut's hideout, thanks to a hidden tracking device. But soon after entering, they are captured by Tut's cronies, and Batman is submerged in a sarcophagus under five feet of water.
Großer König vom Nil - Teil 2
Though Batman escapes his watery trap, Robin is left in the hands of King Tut. The deluded villain still believes that Lisa Carson is really Queen Cleopatra, and calls Lisa's father to demand a ransom of $8,300,487.12, the mortgage on the Pyramids. Using the Jolly Jackson radio show to communicate, Tut negotiates the terms of payment with Batman. However, the villain most likely intends to keep both the money and Lisa, and has further plans to fry the Caped Crusaders in his royal boiling oil.
Die schwarze Witwe - Teil 1
The Black Widow uses her cerebrum short-circuiting device to rob bank after bank in Gotham City. Batman and Robin soon catch up with her, but actually capturing the villainess proves harder than expected. Despite her nerve paralyzer spray, and two remote-control dummies that try to throw the Dynamic Duo off course, they finally make it inside the Black Widow's lair. But soon after entering, they are trapped in a giant web with two deadly black widow spiders.
Die schwarze Witwe - Teil 2
The Black Widow adjusts her cerebrum short-circuiting device to successfully alter Batman's brain. With Batman powerless to resist, and Robin captured, she disguises herself as the Boy Wonder and brings along a dummy Batman to rob another bank. Commissioner Gordon initially believes Batman is setting a trap for the villainess. But when word comes of the successful robbery, the commissioner puts out an all-points bulletin to bring in the Caped Crusaders dead or alive.
Meister Joker - Teil 1
The Joker appears in an art gallery and defaces the paintings with paint-spraying guns. But instead of being horrified at his alterations, the Joker's work is praised as "art". After more success at an international art competition, the Joker founds his own art school. But Batman and Robin suspect he has a more sinister purpose in mind when he enrolls only wealthy millionaires.
Meister Joker - Teil 2
The Joker persuades wealthy heiress Baby Jane Towser to join him in his artistic capers. Aided by his new accomplice, the Joker easily clears out a wing of the Gotham City Museum to make room for his latest "masterpiece" - pieces of a broken table. But the laughing criminal has plans for the priceless collection of paintings that once filled the room.
Spion im Eis - Teil 1
Mr. Freeze is back in town, and has plans to build an icy weapon that will have the world at his control. With help from Glacia Glaze, the renowned ice skater, he captures Professor Isaacson and tries to extract the secret formula for instant ice from him. Mr. Freeze then sends his trained seal Isolde to Police Headquarters with a note, demanding Batman deliver a ransom in exchange for the professor. But the frosty villain not only plans to keep the money and the professor, but to terminate the Dynamic Duo in the process.
Spion im Eis - Teil 2
Back in his iceberg headquarters, Mr. Freeze persuades the kidnapped Professor Isaacson to build him a thermodynamic ice ray beam. He issues an ultimatum that he will begin freezing the entire country if his demands are not met, then gives a demonstration of his weapon. As the villain works out just what his demands are, Batman and Robin track his seal, Isolde, through an ice-packed Gotham Harbor to locate the villain's hideout.
3. Staffel 3 (30 Episoden)
Batgirl kommt - Pinguin geht
"Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin", is the first episode of Season 3 of the Batman television series', first aired on ABC September 14, 1967 as its ninety-fifth episode. It guest starred Burgess Meredith as The Penguin, and also was the first appearance of Yvonne Craig as Police Commissioner Gordon's daughter, Barbara Gordon, a.k.a. Batgirl.
Ring frei für den Riddler
The Riddler is out to control all of prize fighting in Gotham City. He begins by kidnapping and brainwashing top prizefighters with the aid of the Siren. Then, under the guise of Mushi Nebuchadnezzar, supposed boxing champion of Southwest Asia, he challenges Batman to a fight in the ring. But when it becomes clear that the Riddler has no plans to play fair, it's up to Batgirl to help her crime fighting companions.
Lorelei Circe, aka The Siren, launches a two part plan to become the richest and wickedest woman in Gotham City. First she puts Commissioner Gordon under her stunning spell and orders him to stow away in the Batmobile in order to find out the location of the Batcave as well as Batman & Robins secret identities. Secondly she entrances millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne and implores him to sign over all his wealth and belongings to her.
Lola Lasagne
The Penguin teams up with parasol collector Lola Lasagne. Together, they plan to rig the upcoming Bruce Wayne Handicap to make a fortune from Lola's prize racehorse Parasol. They break into Glu Gluten's Glue Factory to steal a condemned horse, planning to switch horses before the race and make their money by betting on the real Parasol. When Batman, Robin, and Batgirl catch up with them at the glue factory, Penguin sneaks outside and plasters the Batmobile with a sticky glue.
Das gefärbte Pferd
The Penguin steals a priceless folio of famous parasols from the Gotham City Library. He plans to wager the $10,000 earned from its ransom on a rigged horse race. Aided by his partner-in-crime Lola Lasagne, he disguises the favored entry Parasol as the unknown "Bumbershoot," then enters a painted glue factory horse as "Parasol". With everyone betting their money on the fake horse, it looks like the Penguin will make a fortune when the real Parasol wins the race. But he wasn't counting on a last-minute entry of Bruce Wayne's, the horse Waynebow, ridden by none other than Batgirl.
Der schlimmste Tut von allen
King Tut has been predicting crimes, then secretly making sure they happen in order to gain the police's confidence. He hopes to then send them on a false lead while he commits the crime of the century. After failing an attempt to discover Batman's true identity, he gives his biggest prediction - a jailbreak of several super criminals. While the entire police force is sent to the penitentiary, Tut nabs a collection of priceless Egyptian scrolls from the Gotham City Library. The scrolls contain the key to an ancient statue, rumored to give its possessor control of the universe.
Louie Lilac schlägt zurück
Louie the Lilac has cornered the flower market in Gotham City, hoping to gain control over the entire "flower generation." He kidnaps the organizer of their planned flower-in, Princess Primrose, and brainwashes her with his Stupefying Aromatic Spray. Batman and Robin follow a clue to the villain's lair only to be captured by Louie and fed to his giant man-eating lilacs. With the Caped Crusaders out of the way, Louie heads back to the flower-in to continue his evil plan. Alfred, meanwhile, has been alerted to Batman and Robin's situation, and goes looking for Batgirl to aid in the fight.
Mein Freund der Neosaurus - Teil 1
Egghead and Olga, Queen of the Bessarovian Cossacks, team up to kidnap Commissioner Gordon. In exchange for his safety, they demand a ten cent tax for every egg eaten in Gotham City. Batman and Robin suspect that Olga may also be after the giant Samovar of Genghis Khan and use it to find a way into her hideout. However, it turns out that the Duo have been expected. While Olga targets Batman as her future husband, her cook prepares a wedding borscht which will contain Commissioner Gordon and Robin.
Mein Freund der Neosaurus - Teil 2
Egghead and Olga, Queen of the Cossacks, steal two pounds of Radium from the Gotham City Radium Center. Using it in their "Zapping Machine," they attempt to hatch an ancient Neosaurus egg, planning to feed the baby dinosaur a meal of Batman, Robin, and Batgirl. Surprisingly, the machine seems to be working. But when the egg cracks, the baby Neosaurus is more than they can handle.
Heiliges Surfbrett
The Joker plans to become the king of surfing, hoping the fame will give him control over the hearts and minds of Gotham City. He captures top surfer Skip Parker, then uses his "Surfing Experience & Ability Transferometer" to transfer the needed skills and stamina from Skip to himself. When all the other contestants drop out of the upcoming surfing match, Batman steps up to challenge the Joker's supremacy.
Nebel über London - Teil 1
Commissioner Gordon travels across the channel to Londinium by request of the President to assist in a spree of baffling burglaries. Also aboard ship are Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, their manservant Alfred and Gordon's daughter Barbara. Alfred sets up a make-shift Batcave under a rented mansion near Londinium while Batman & Robin visit lord Ffogg and Lady Peasoup, who run a girl's finishing school that teaches their students a degree in shoplifting.
Nebel über London - Teil 2
Lord Ffogg and Lady Teasoup plan to steal a ship-worth of mod clothing material with which they can control the fashion world of Londinium. Fogg and his men subdue Batman, Peasoup and her girls grab Robin and Lady Prudence uses the paralyzing fog on Batgirl.
Nebel über London - Teil 3
Batman, ably assisted as always by Alfred, saves Robin from being crushed by a winch at the Tower of Londinium. He also rescues Batgirl from the dungeon at Ffog Place. But Robin gets stung by an African Death Bee as Lord Ffogg and Lady Peasoup get ready to steal the crown jewels at the Bloody Tower.
The Catwoman targets the fashion industry by first terrorizing a banquet honoring Batgirl and then attacking a fashion show. During the attack on the fashion show, Catwoman captures Batgirl and takes her back to her hideout where she threatens to kill her with a pattern cutter. She then tells Batman that if he attempts to rescue her that it will leave the visiting Queen Bess of Bellgravia vulnerable for attack. Now the Caped Crusader must find a way to save Batgirl and prevent any harm to Queen Bess.
Das Eier-Pärchen
Egghead and Olga, Queen of the Cossacks, kick off their return with several thefts from the Gotham City Museum. Egghead begins planning a series of heists - intended to provide him with the dowry needed to marry Olga. Swiping 500 pounds of dehydrated caviar goes off without a hitch. But when Batgirl attempts to outfox Egghead, she is instead captured by the villain. It's up to Batman and Robin to find the villains' hideout before Olga's Cossacks make mincemeat out of their crime fighting friend.
Jokers Lieblingskatze - Teil 1
The Joker, just released from prison, teams up with Catwoman. They follow the clues of an ancient riddle to retrieve a nightshirt and an antique crib, which together form a map to a hidden cache of gunpowder which they plan to use for their next crime. Batman and Robin, together with Batgirl, follow their trail, little knowing that they are about to walk right into an ambush.
Jokers Lieblingskatze - Teil 2
Following a tip from Batgirl, the Dynamic Trio meet up at the Grimalkin Novelty Company, hideout of the Joker and Catwoman. There, they overhear the arch-criminals' plot and secretly trail them to a stash of hidden gunpowder. A careless mistake spoils the villains' evil plan, however, and they are captured and brought before the Gotham City judge. But when the jury seems less than interested in justice, courtroom mayhem ensues.
Schon wieder Flieder
Louie the Lilac is in town, planning to corner the lilac perfume market in Gotham City. His concoction requires the glands of several animals, so he kidnaps Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson to make the extractions. With "Batman and Robin" unable to respond, Batgirl attempts a rescue, only to be captured herself. The trio rely on their wits (and the latest bat-invention) to attempt an escape.
Lady Noras Verbrecherkränzchen
Nora Clavicle, a women's rights activist, uses her influence to have Commissioner Gordon, Chief O'Hara, and the whole police force fired and replaced with women. She cuts ties with Batman and Robin, then launches her plan to blow up Gotham City with explosive-packed mice and collect on the insurance. The Terrific Trio look for a way to neutralize her mechanical hordes before it's too late.
Der Pinguin räumt auf
The Penguin taints the ink at the U.S. Mint with Lygerian Sleeping Sickness. As word of the infected money gets out, citizens of Gotham City empty their cash right onto the streets - and into Penguin's pockets. But when Bruce Wayne spreads word of the infected bills worldwide, the Penguin realizes his ill-gotten gain is worthless and threatens a more devilish plot if the warning is not retracted.
Der große Eisenbahnraub - Teil 1
Shame escapes from prison, and together with Calamity Jan, goes to work on his newest caper. He leaves a cryptic clue for Batman, Robin, and Batgirl describing the first part of his scheme - the robbery of two opera singers. The Terrific Trio decipher his riddle and attempt to stop him, but when Shame breaks out his "fear gas," the three are left quaking in their shoes.
Der große Eisenbahnraub - Teil 2
After his previous battle with the Terrific Trio, Shame now has Batgirl as a hostage. He agrees to a swap when he realizes that Batman and Robin also have Calamity Jan's mother, Frontier Fanny. Batgirl informs the Dynamic Duo of a plan for a "great train robbery" that she overheard as a hostage. The three work to figure out Shame's plan and race to stop him. But when they realize they are too late, Batman attempts to lure him out of hiding with an offer of man-to-man combat.
Tief, tiefer, Tut
With plans to build an indestructible empire, King Tut goes in search of Nilanium, the world's strongest metal. But with the only known deposit lying directly beneath Wayne Manor, Tut's tunneling soon leads him to the discovery of a lifetime - the Batcave itself. With their secret identities in jeopardy, Batman and Robin race to stop him before his find is leaked to the world.
Vorsicht UFO
The Joker is back in Gotham City, this time with his sights set on worldwide domination. He plants rumors of an invasion from outer space, then sets out to gather the Beryllium metal needed to build an actual flying saucer. Batman picks up on his scheme and sends Alfred to check up on a stash of the metal. But when Alfred is mistaken for a mad scientist by the Joker, he is hauled off to the villain's lair along with Batgirl. The Dynamic Duo are on their way when a bomb planted by one of the Joker's henchmen goes off, leaving them unconscious, and their Batcave cut off from the rest of the world.
Aus Cassandras Hexenküche
Dr. Cassandra and her husband Cabala are behind a string of invisible robberies, thanks to their camouflage pills. When Batman, Robin, and Batgirl attempt to stop their next theft, the crooks turn them into 2-dimensional figures with their ray gun. Dr. Cassandra then begins work on her final plan - releasing all the super criminals from prison to join her invisible force.
Her mit den Millionen
Minerva has been using her "Deepest Secret Extractor," disguised as a piece of equipment at her mineral spa, to discover where her wealthiest customers hide their valuables. With this info in hand, Minerva has been able to pull off a string of robberies with ease. When Batman and Robin's investigation is cut short by the villainess, butler Alfred goes undercover to help foil her criminal operations.
Pop Goes The Joker
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Flop Goes The Joker
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Ice Spy
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Duo Defy
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
4. Batman 1966 - 1968 (26 Episoden)
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Enter Batgirl,Exit Penguin
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Ring Around The Riddler
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Wail Of The Siren
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Sport Of Penguins
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
A Horse Of Another Color
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Unkindest Tut Of All
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Louie, The Lilac
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Ogg And I
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
How To Hatch A Dinosaur
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Surf'S Up! Joker'S Under!
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Londinium Larcenies
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Foggiest Notion
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Bloody Tower
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Catwoman'S Dressed To Kill
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Ogg Couple
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Funny Feline Felonies
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Joke'S On Catwoman
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Louie'S Lethal Lilac Time
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Nora Clavicle And The Ladies' Crime Club
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Penguin'S Clean Sweep
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Great Escape
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Great Train Robbery
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
I'Ll Be A Mummy'S Uncle
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Joker'S Flying Saucer
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
The Entrancing Dr. Cassandra
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Minerva, Mayhem And Millionaires
Batman kämpft mit Hilfe seines Partners Robin und des Butlers Alfred gegen Bösewichte wie den Pinguin, Cat-Woman, Riddler, Joker und Tut Ench. US-Kultserie, die erst nach Anlauf der „Batman“-Spielfilme nach Deutschland kam.
Extras (24 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24

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